San Lorenzo Valley Nature Academy

Self-Defense & Karate Workshops 2024

Physical Fitness • Street Smarts • Fun!
May 28-31  12:30-2:00pm

“This week your teaching changed the outcome of what would
have been a VERY bad situation for one of our kids. Thanks so much.”

– SLV Middle School parent – 2022

Want them to be more street-smart? Want them to be able to see trouble coming and handle it? These workshops will teach practical self-defense strategies, psychology, and physical karate techniques that they can use effectively under pressure.

These special workshops are taught in a safe and enjoyable environment by Felton’s Oakstrong Martial Arts senior instructor Neville Loberg, who brings more than 35 years’ experience to the classroom.

No special equipment needed – just sport clothes and gym shoes. Additional info and sign-ups through your school’s Physical Education department.

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